The information contained in the website is neither meant to solicit work nor is advertisement of our law firm or any of the lawyers. The purpose of this website is not the retention of the law firm or any of its lawyers by the users. Similarly, there is no motive to get pecuniary gain from the information provided on this website. The primary purpose of this website is providing general information about our law firm to persons who are interested in knowing more about us.
Neither there is any intention to create advocate-client relationship nor is any advocate-client relationship created by the use of this website. The information contained herein does not constitute any agreement.
The information is not for circulation or public dissemination. The firm does not assume any responsibility whatsoever, for any unauthorized distribution or dissemination of this information or part thereof in any form, or any consequences thereof. The testimonials or posts by any client or any other person on our website or any social network like Face book, Linked In are also not intended for any advertisement or solicitation.
The information on this site is not intended to and does not offer any legal advice, opinion recommendations or representation on any matter. Please contact an advocate for advice on specific legal issues with full facts and background.
Please be aware that the outcome of a particular case or a matter, depends on a variety of factors including the specific factual and legal circumstances, the ability of opposing counsel and often, unexpected developments beyond the control of any client or advocate.
This website includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Such information are designed for general information purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments.